Stefan Klein, born 1965 in Munich, is considered one of the most influential science writers in Europe. He studied physics and analytical philosophy in Munich, Grenoble and Freiburg and graduated in biophysics. But after some years in academic research he started a new career as a science writer because he "wanted to inspire people with a reality that is more exciting than any thriller".
From 1996 to 1999 he was a science editor at Der Spiegel, a news magazine; in 1998 he won the prestigious Georg-von-Holtzbrinck-Preis for science journalism.
His book „The Science of Happiness“, released in 2002 (English translation 2006), ranked on all national bestseller lists for over a year and brought him world-wide recognition. In 2006 he published his widely acclaimed best seller "The Secret Pulse of Time" (English 2007), "Survival of the Nicest" (English 2014). His latest work published in English is "On the Edge of Infinity", his latest work is "How we Change the World: A Brief History of Creativity", translations fortcoming. Kleins works have been translated into 27 languages and have received many awards both in Europe and overseas.
Stefan Klein is much in demand as a keynote speaker, too. For Zeit Magazin, he regularly interviews the leading scientists of the world. He is a professor of critical studies at the Berlin University of the Arts.
Stefan Klein lives as a freelance autor in Berlin. He is married to a science journalist and has three children.