
Some of Stefan Klein's shorter writings...

  ... that were published in English. There are loads of more essays in German.

Wie entsteht Ideologie?

Warum denken wir alle gerne das, was die Mehrheit auch denkt? Warum fällt es uns oft nicht einmal auf, dass Wahrnehmung und Wirklichkeit gar nicht übereinstimmen, selbst wenn es doch so offensichtlich ist? Ein Versuch, die Macht der Ideologie zu erklären.


Time out of Mind

 A piece that appeared on the New York Time's OpEd page on March 7, 2008

Time out of Mind Stefan Klein

Dumber in English

 What happens if the whole world comes to use one single language for science and higher education? A piece that was published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in July 2007 and that created lots of controversy here and abroad.  

View From the Top

 A book review that is actually a reflection on science and society in post war Germany: In his memoirs, Reimar Lüst, tells how a submarine officer in the Nazi marine, initially disinterested in politics, could become of the powerful scientists in the country. Published in Nature on March 27,2008.